
Seeing the Number 23 A lot?

So many times we can feel that something has changed or maybe we have recently made a major decision in our lives. Then it starts happening. Those numbers we keep seeing every where. 11:11, 1:11, 12:34, $8.88, 1:23, etc.


For the skeptics out there yes it is possible for the numbers to mean nothing. However for those of you who have had this experience you know that it is not just seeing the numbers. 


How is it that EVERY TIME you looked at the clock today it was on a repeating number (1:23, 5:23, 11:11, etc.) and then there is that strong feeling. It is a sense that you get that is very strong that tells you that they mean something. As though when you look it is speaking to something inside (to you)  of you.


There are a couple of different ways the numbers can be read. In using numerology (Study of and interpreting number's meaning) you take the middle number as in the “2” in 1:23 and you translate it. The middle number holds the meaning and the numbers to the left and the right are the supporting numbers that tell more. 


The Spiritual meaning of the 2 in 1:23 speaks of kindness, balance and duality. The two speaks about us making a choice. Have you recently made a choice or are dealing with something where it is important that you make a choice and not sit on the fence? 


That could be speaking of the relationship that hasn’t been working for a very long time or the job where you just keep bumping heads with everyone as though you just don’t seem to fit in there any more because maybe you have stayed in that one spot for way to long and it is time to move on to bigger and better things.


Instead of telling you about the supporting numbers in the 1:23 and what they mean there is something more important about this number that is important you know. The numbers are going in ascending order. This speaks of you moving up.


I would translate this to be a validation that you are moving in the right direction because of choices you make. Numbers should not direct you, but they can remind or tell you your current standing. 


It is the free will choices that put you where you are going and where you will end up. But remember, it's not in man to "direct" his steps; keep trusting in the Lord Jesus to get you where you need to be, and to care for you when you get there.